Tired of coloring every 6 weeks?
How old are you?
Have you considered going gray?
Will I look old?
These are the most common questions a woman runs through her mind when entertaining the idea of being gray.
As a stylist, It was always my thinking that gray hair added at least 8 years onto your age. However, I don't feel this way so much anymore. Over the last 5 years gray, platinum and silver hair was a huge look for all ages. Younger woman were taking to the fad of silver/gray hair. Its become acceptable at any age to go gray. In fact, any color is acceptable these days.
The difference being natural gray hair. When a woman decides she is emotionally and mentally ready to embrace her gray she has come full circle. Its not a decision that's taken lightly or something you decide on a whim. Hair is a big deal. Never underestimate how our hair determines our mindset. It sounds crazy but it's a fact. A bad hair day means a bad day all the way around for a
lot of us. Ladies who decide its time take the gray route have come to terms with a sense of self. It shows confidence, self love, positivity, its a reflection of who you are or who've you become.
That being said, I'd like to remind everyone that when the time comes for you to own your gray please do not underestimate the level of commitment required to get there. It is a process. I encourage every woman attempting to go natural to continue to do everything she can to make the process as easy as possible on her self. Whether it is lowlites and highlites, cleansing and toning or regular cutting. Its imperative that you remain confident and feel beautiful throughout the process. Stick to the game plan that you and your stylist have created. Together, you will achieve beautiful gray hair!
I commend all woman who make this their choice. May you rock your new style with a great sense of confidence.
Embrace all of it, hair, fashion,and makeup. Together the end result is stunning. Its a package deal that's a win win if you go the distance.
Good luck, and check out my you tube video on Embracing your Gray.